13 December 2009

Beyond Comparisons.

Unexpected visits. Contagious laughter. Busting missions. Not knowing where we'd be the next minute. Wheels turning. Christia plotting.

We're Lucy &Ethel, no doubt. We thrive on the desire of depth, intelligence, maturity, &communication. She's a realist, I'm an idealist. I live off emotion, she lives off sensibility. An open understanding of where each of us stands is accomplished. She knows my darkest secrets, I know where her passions lie. These past months with my roommate make me wonder where all the time went. We met almost three years ago at MSMC's Overnight Program. Dear Lord, don't get us started on what our first thoughts were of each other. The universe pushed us together, not to mention the high of Orientation. I'm glad we were able to always find our way to one another. She opens my eyes to different possibilities &helps me fight against my greatest enemy - myself.

I wonder everyday how we are able to work out. Don't get us wrong, we step on each others' toes once in a while, but after tearful negotiations (On her part. Who woulda thunk it?) balance is restored. She's my imaginary childhood friend and the stability I perpetually yearn for. Come on, we have obese alter egos.

When I felt doubtful &insecure due to unrelated constant let-downs, she knew exactly what to do without hesitation. Never have I ever felt relief, security, &appreciation as I did at that moment. Honestly.

I'm happy to have found her &many of my other phenomenal friends (You all know who you are, don't even doubt it for a second). She incessantly amazes me. No comparisons, please. She's one of my best friends.

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