31 December 2009

L'arte d'arrangiarsi.

Photograph by Jeanette Sinh

Translation: The art of making something from nothing.

At this point in my life, I'm not really sure if that's possible when considering my love life. (Or rather, my nonexistent love life.)

This coming 2010, I'm going to do the impossible. However, in order to this, I must let go of all that hinders me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that 11:59PM tonight would be a deadline. After that, I'll leave you in 2009.

You'll be the dream I leave behind, I'm too sad to say.

Tonight, this New Year's Eve, I'll be spending it with people I actually care about, not the people that I wanted to impress, that had the IQ of about 100, combined. I really don't know what will happen this coming new year. I have my goals intact. Honestly, I never would have believed myself if I knew what happened this year one year ago today. From friends lost to friends made again, from bottles of Jack Daniels to multiple cans of nasty beer, from dealing with heartbreak to developing new crushes, from dates to random make-out sessions (whore.), from family togetherness to family separation. I made the MARC program, went from a 3.7 GPA to a 3.6 GPA (no bueno), made amazing connections with grad schools and my own professors, went to Australia, San Francisco and Phoenix, gotten closer to Mariana, Jeanette, and Tiffani. I must say this was a successful year when thinking of all the great, amazing blessings I have been given. &To think of it, I was able to do all this without sexual indulgences. Yeah, if I told myself this last year, I would have been practically suicidal, to say the least. However, you deal. This year has been complicated enough, ask my friends.

I have no resolutions. I will just do what I always do - I'll follow my heart. You can't regret something because @that moment in time, you wanted it. &I don't do things unless I want it - bad.

Maybe 2009 was truly the definition of l'arte d'arrangiarsi. Let's do the impossible in 2010. ♥

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