19 December 2009

Greener Pastures.

Yeah, they talk about her. She smiles like she's so tough. She says, "Hey, can you talk a little louder? I don't think my heart is broken enough."

The happiest place on earth will always make me happy. With great company &great conversation, it makes the experience absolutely amazing I definitely think I needed an eye-opener today. I'm glad to have had Jeanette with me, ready to strike. ♥

There's a sort of comfort I find in not knowing what is in my future. Ironic, isn't it? However, I do know I have a future &a happier one @that. Sometimes you need to do things like a band-aid. If this past year didn't teach me that, I have no idea what I learned this year. Finally putting my life in my own hands &leading myself wherever I desire to go is freeing. Hindrance, hurt, exploitation, victimization, deception &drama are never elements that I would want to hold on to. I see all sides of the story, am open-minded &give chances.

I'm meant to shine... &I will.

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