14 December 2009


Photograph by Bullet Salvador.

Good dates are hard to come by. Sure, it may be because the two people don't know one another yet, don't know what they like, how they are or what environment they thrive in most. However, there are some key elements that must be impeccable to be considered a good date.

1) Eat. The food has to be good. Forget creating a mood. Give me some good food, then we'll talk.
2) Conversation. Don't just talk about you, get to know me. This is us trying to get to know each other, isn't it?
3) Laugh, &Make me laugh. A good sense of humor may make me look at you differently - in a great way.

This isn't difficult. Hints are dropped here &there &if you listen carefully &genuinely are attracted, you'll see it all.

With this said, personally, I've only had one great date with a guy. I'm a sucker for great dates.

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