28 December 2009

Half of My Heart.

My imagination has formed you to be perfect - absolutely perfect. However, who you are, is much much more. I can't stress enough how dangerous this is. I love the potential of us. The potential that was completely demolished by you two months ago. Half of me says that I don't like you anymore, or rather that I cannot like you anymore. &This was working. The other half of me says to stay. This would be the death of me. As Jeanette told me before I spilled my heart to him, "It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want." It just seems like I'm going back in circles &making the same mistakes. I'm gonna run ahead &interpret everything he does positively, giving me hope that maybe this time he really does like me. &Yet again, I'll scare him off &we'll separate. Doesn't he know that I still like him? He's oblivious to most, so I'm pretty sure this is all friendliness. This leaves me in utter agony. I know my friends hate when I'm like this, which is why they tell me to stay away. I don't know, maybe I just need to be pushed harder to the ground, have my heart break into a billion little pieces instead of a million, &have him kick me when I'm down. I know I told him we can still hang out &whatnot, but what I'm getting from him is a vibe that maybe he's turned around &FINALLY SAW THE LIGHT. Yeah, no I didn't believe that either.

If he's into me, he'd do anything to be with me. That's just how it is. No excuses. I can't believe I'm wasting blog space on him, mind space on him &hours of sleep over him.

@Least I'm going through this with Jeanette - even though that doesn't really make it any better. We just want to know like a band-aid. However, I do know already. That's the difference right there. What I'm asking now is... Did something change? Basically, Do you like me now? bahaha, I would do that every two months with him if I could! Yes, I would wait for him - which is incredibly pathetic, desperate, horrible, &heart-aching. I just want my thoughts to stop going @about 500mph &just focus on the real things rather than the imaginary. My mind can do wonders.

It's different with you. Ugh, that's how it always starts. I've dated guys before you &I've dated guys after you. Yet, you're the only one I want. After all, you're the highlight of my 2009. I don't know if that's pitiful, but it was one heck of a night. Even if you were late, didn't kiss me goodnight, or told me a secret that kinda crushed my heart a bit, you being you was matchless &incomparable. The conversation alone with you made my heart melt. The riskiness of trying new things, namely food was wonderful. Did I mention the conversation was great? We talked, I asked you questions &get this - I had questions to answer as well! Yes, I don't ask for much, but I have never felt so compatible or connected to a guy like that in a long time.

I don't know, maybe I'm just attracted to guys who are attracted to me. After all, there was a day you were attracted to me. Those days are long gone. I don't know you very well, but I'm pretty sure you're getting a little tired of your routines, your constant let-downs &heart-breaks, &the predictable. I don't know, but I feel like there is @least a tiny bit in you that does like me. (God, this sounds like begging now!) If it's there, I can justify these feelings. Don't tell me you're messed up or not up to a serious relationship when I never mentioned any of that. If you're not into me, tell me &most importantly, let me go. I just want to hear a guarantee that you will never like me in that way, that you will never look into my eyes with your giant brown liquid-center eyes, or that you will never kiss me without meaning it. That's not too hard to ask from a friend, is it?

Half of my heart has a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time
Half of my heart has a right mind to tell you that
I can't keep loving you.


jeanette said...

fuck i posted my comment on the old entry.

:( fuck the game bbygrl.

Anonymous said...

Games of the heart are all too cruel,
stay to what you know holds true.
Pray evermore for your sweet cherub.
That God might one day grant him sight, to the beautiful light of your sincerity.