30 May 2009


"Beautiful" is a word I believe should be said rarely. Only when one means it. A day can be beautiful. A work of art can be beautiful. People can be beautiful. If you don't know a person, you wouldn't know if they're beautiful or not. That's when game comes in. Fucking pick-up lines &sweet talk. It's fun, hell yes, but saying "beautiful?" Really? I guess in this game, anything goes. It's just a pet peeve of mine, I guess. To me, "beautiful" is like "I love you." You have to really mean it &know a person/day/artwork to say it. Haha, I'm so serious with this word. Even ask my first ex-boyfriend from 5 years ago &he'll say I never let him use the word on me. Of course he did, I fell, &was not caught. lol. But isn't that how all of my relationships turn out?

Anyways... For me to write an entire blog on this one word means a lot, doesn't it? Well, it's related to a thing I have tomorrow. I'm excited because I get to go out, but I'm also nervous to find out if they're actually interesting to hang out with. Don't forget about being scared if things actually hit off. Yes, scared. Like I said in my previous blog, I have never been "alone" in Summer. 2 out of 3 times, it stays in the Summer. 3 out of 3 times, I fell. Hard. Mariana &I had a talk about this months ago when I first met the person. Should I see how it is or not? Will I be able to keep myself from falling? Because I have to admit... He's in the positive zone for points.

I just have to see what my game plan is. He's already started using the word. Gotta adjust.

Time to playyyy. Let's play a love game.

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