15 May 2009

Two Can Play.

I need a challenge. My brain is turning into mush. I need someone that challenges me intellectually and creates more passion than a romance novel. Honestly, there hasn't been any firing up of sparks - aside from lust - anymore. Games can be fun, but who knows how to play them right nowadays? Fuck the "player" &"pimp" status, who can be charming, captivating &smart about it as well? I'm not looking, but nothing's around. I know what I want &I know it hasn't punched me between the eyes yet. Why did I have to settle so many useless times? It was idealistic - it was all in my mind. I made each relationship after the first one to mold into the way I wanted it to in order to fill the void the first one caused. The first love is always a great love - always. However, it is mostly the trial &error relationship, the relationship which is experimental, capable of molding, foundational test. Basically.

Anyways, my point is: Why settle? Why search for things that are obviously not going to do me justice? Just because everyone else is doing it? We live in a world containing human beings with countless insecurities. Why must we succumb to the popular act of finding someone to replace those insecurities with a band-aid? I really dislike hearing people's stories of sleeping around &playing other people when I can see right through them. Fuck, man. Seriously? Flaunt your great new chick, mmmkay. Whatever makes all of you sleep better @night. However, is that really the smart way of approaching things? Maybe everyone would be able to sleep better @night if they knew how to pleasure oneself first. Mentally. Not physically. (Although knowing how to do so physically is always good, too.) So that's what I'm focusing on because, obviously, I just don't get stimulated nowadays with anyone. Why waste time with hominids &fillers? Blah.

Girls just wanna have fun. Do it right. Impress me.

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