07 May 2009

No Rain, No Rainbow.

No rain, no rainbow. I gently wipe the dripping water away from my eyes. Before I know it, the rain's stopped. Silence envelops me. The rainbow arch has appeared; so that I'll say something. The smell of the asphalt after the rain puts me at ease. My worn out heart suddenly begins to dance. I dance in a puddle, below that rainbow.

&So Summer '09 has begun. It honestly feels like this whole year went by incredibly fast. I don't think it has even hit me yet because I just finished my last paper &I have not yet packed up. Maybe tomorrow, I'll feel it.

This school year has been crazy. &That's being nice. Through all the rain, the rainbow has finally appeared. I'm excited, scared, and anxious to relax... Even if it's just for a little bit. I feel like I'm academically turned on 24/7, however. I'm kind of afraid to have to turn school mode off just to turn it back on again in a couple of months. Waittttt. What am I saying? I deserve this break. It's not like I'm turning off my brain. I will finish reading Anna Karenina. Pinky promise.

I'm not going to have any expectations this Summer. What will be done will be done. All I have planned is work and research. Other than that, everything's open. I feel a change coming on soon &it's not just the change of environment. I just pray that everything will be fine. I'm a simple girl. I've had too much rain pouring on me. I'm ready for the bright shiny rainbow.

I've only begun to shine♥.

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