01 May 2009


Photography by Kyle-Louis Galvez.

In less than one week, I'll be done with my sophomore year. In less than one week, I'll be back home in Eagle Rock. In less than one week, I'll be able to get some well-deserved relaxation. Six more days.

This coming summer and school year is going to be different. I feel it already. It excites me. It frightens me. Mostly, it's going to push me. This summer, I'll be doing summer research with Dr. Chang @UCLA for the MARC Program. I'll also be working much, much more @Crate & Barrel. Maybe I'll finally get that night manager position. Only God knows how much I want it. I already received the Associate of the Quarter award &have everyone loving me. *Knock on wood* Just in case I jinx myself. [= In addition to all the work during summer, there has to be some fun, right? I'm the queen of working hard &playing hard. I'm overdue for some playing hard, that's for sure. I already have San Diego, Sea World, Disneyland, Six Flags, Universal Studios, &tonssss of beach time planned. What can I say? I'm a busy girl. This also counts for the next school year. I'll be working 12-15 hours of research, have 19 units, work @Crate & Barrel, &I'm hoping to be on the WISH E-Board. Oh, &don't forget my usual nap time &work out additions. This girl also knows how to take care of herself. Maybe more in different aspects in her life, but she does. I do. Also, I'll have Mariana as my roommate! Finallyyy. She's such a great person. I don't even know if she sees what's inside of her sometimes (Nottttt in a gross way, please pervs). It takes a lot to deal with me &put up with me. I should know. I can't even put up with myself sometimes. Yet, she does it. Even though we'll be living together, I'm sad to say that I won't even be able to see her that much because of all the time I'll be spending @UCLA. She knows, along with Evelyn &Leslie, that they can come visit me anytime. I know they're tired of the boys on campus. Hell, I am too. So much opportunity opening up for me... It's a blessing.

I stay close to my values, my true friends, &most importantly, myself. It's been a horribly tough ride this year, but I think I've made it through to the other side. I'm breaking away. I'm a breakthrough. Don't ever forget it.

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