20 May 2009

Do Something.

It's a touchy subject. Bluntly, it's pathetic, superficial &utterly unnecessary. However, I felt a need to blog about it. To make it more like a contract per say.

Since the ending of senior year of high school, weight has been a direct issue. When I was younger, I wasn't the skinniest. It's always in the back of my mind &it absolutely kills me. But now.. now, it's the last straw. I am not getting FAT this Summer. It's funny, actually. Comparing photos of me before Summer, during Summer &after Summer in 2008.

I'm drawing the line here. If not now, then when?

I try to run in the mornings usually 3-5 times a week. I'm about to join 24 Hour Fitness again, which I adore. The only thing I really need to watch is.. FOOD. Which literally kills me. It's my Achilles' heel. It's the ultimate temptation. It's my life. haha, which is what fatasses say. But anyways... I'm learning to moderate. I'm learning from scratch... sort of. I'm trying to take some attention away from my knowledge of great restaurants &desserts to great trails &adventures. From debilitating to productive. How... fitting. (No pun intended.)

I don't want to be that girl anymore. I'll really give you something to talk about this time. I'm going to do it right this time around. I'm going to give myself a clear conscience. I'm taking this into my own hands. I'm going to do something.

I'm all about loving yourself &having confidence in what you have, not about constantly desiring something else. I still love myself, hence me allowing myself to be healthier &act out my love of working out. If I'm not happy @the end of the day by missing a nice, Summer morning jog, then I'm going to do something about it.

I know my limits &sticking to them is getting boring &unbelievably too comfortable. Time to push them, bitches.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Yay! Healthy really isn't as hard as it may sound. Once you get the hang of it it's really nice. Just take baby steps. Like try to substitute things like chips with low fat popcorn or get the salad instead of the fries. It will pay off trust me. :)
love you